Chris Champagne

Musician. Model. Photographer. Artist.



I’m a musician, model, photographer, entrepreneur and artist from Vancouver, BC, Canada. I express myself through my art and I feel that very much describes who I am. There is a certain sense of triumph felt while making art that has always pushed and motivated me to explore many different creative outlets. I feel compelled to share my creations with the world and leave behind a unique but memorable signature. Music has always been my biggest influence for brainstorming ideas and generally romanticizing about life, which I feel should be lived for experiences. My art happens to be a vessel for me to do so and I’ve been very fortunate enough to travel across North America multiple times and meet some incredible people and see places I never thought I’d visit growing up. That being said, being born and raised in Vancouver has had a significant influence on my life. Exploring and adventuring the great outdoors BC has to offer has been a part of who I am but also a viable avenue to clear my head and reset from the unfavourable occurrences life can hold at times, especially being an artist. I believe life can provide anything and everything you desire if you work hard enough.

Surround yourself with what you love, go above expectations and let your world take you astray.

Welcome to the world I’m creating for myself, let me share it with you and please enjoy!



Photographer: Sam Kaczur